Top Resource Vendor Management for Enterprises | 2024 IT Staffing Solutions | ProLegion

Empowering Gen AI for Talent Acquisition: No More Resumes, References, or Interviews

Comprehensive Candidate Evaluation with Intellica (Interview Intelligence and Candidate Analytics)

Vendor-Driven Submissions

Vendor-Driven Submissions

Let your vendors submit candidates directly on ProLegion and streamline the process using our AI-powered screening model, reducing your hiring efforts.

Effortless Hiring

Effortless Hiring

Eliminate resumes, reference checks, and lengthy candidate exchanges. Leverage Intellica for comprehensive evaluations and receive a one-page feedback report, covering all key parameters.

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Sync with your career portal to automatically pull job postings and receive a curated list of top talent from your vendors.

Instant Candidate Insights

Focus on skills and real-time assessments

Go beyond resumes with detailed candidate skills summaries, including industry-standard profiles and references from past projects and roles.

Prioritize Onboarding, Not Hiring

Effortless onboarding without traditional hiring steps

Our AI-driven, resume-free, reference-free, and even interview-free hiring process allows you to concentrate on selecting the best candidate for immediate onboarding.

Vast Vendors Network

Leverage the global vendors network

Collaborate with your preferred vendors while leveraging candidate insights contributed by global vendors to save time and cost.

Explore Workforce Vendors Marketplace

A Global Workforce Vendor Marketplace

Explore Workforce Vendors Marketplace

Access a diverse marketplace where you can explore vendor portfolios with in-depth insights into their resources, project histories, and capabilities. Leverage both your preferred vendors and the global network’s collective expertise, offering a comprehensive view of available talent and solutions to meet your needs efficiently.

Optimize Your Hiring Budget

Let AI Help You With Your Hiring Process.

Optimize Your Hiring Budget

Leverage AI for Cost and Time Efficiency. Reduce Hiring Costs, Automate candidate assessments and eliminate the need for multiple interviews and lengthy reference checks, significantly lowering recruitment expenses. Streamline the hiring process with AI-driven candidate evaluations, allowing you to onboard top talent in a fraction of the time.

Trustworthy Data of Vendors and Resources

Authenticity Backed by Auditable Data

Trustworthy Data of Vendors and Resources

Our vendor network continuously updates candidate profiles, providing a reliable and detailed view of their skills, experiences, and references. Each vendor's portfolio reflects their actual resources and completed projects, ensuring transparency and trust in every hiring decision.

Sign up now to start showcasing your services and connect with vendors globally.

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