Our cloud-based vendor management system helps you oversee & communicate with your network for vendors seamlessly.
Intellica, our AI assistant for conducting interviews will screen multiple candidates with lightning speed & more accuracy. Pick the best from the list of AI-recommended candidates.
Add your own vendors or expand with our marketplace which gives you access to workforce vendors worldwide. Select from the top-rated and trusted partners with the best project delivery score.
Discover the power of AI-driven recruitment! ProLegion's intelligent algorithms match your job requirements with the most suitable candidates, ensuring you receive a curated list of top talent that fits your needs perfectly. Say goodbye to endless searching and let AI bring the best talent right to your fingertips.
Make your interviews smarter and more efficient! Our AI tools guide you through the interview process with suggested questions, real-time analysis, and insights, helping you make informed decisions. With AI-powered interview assistance, you can focus on evaluating the right skills and cultural fit while leaving the tedious processes to us.
Hire with confidence using ProLegion's verified candidate pool. Each candidate in our database undergoes thorough reference checks, ensuring you get experienced and trustworthy professionals. Build your team with peace of mind, knowing that every hire is backed by a solid track record.
Save time and expand your reach with ProLegion's one-click job posting feature! Simply create your job post once, and we’ll broadcast it across multiple job portals, increasing your visibility and attracting a larger pool of talent. Maximize your job posting efforts effortlessly with just a single click.